joi, 7 iunie 2012

Edith Sodergran

                        A painting of a scene at night with 11 swirly stars and a bright yellow crescent moon. In the background there are hills, in the middle ground there is a moonlit town with a church that has an elongated steeple, and in the foreground there is the dark green silhouette of a cypress tree.   


Cînd noaptea se lasă,
eu ciulesc urechea, pe scară,
stelele se înghesuie în grădină,
şi eu sunt aici, în beznă.
Ascultă, o stea a căzut, sunînd, din ceruri.
Nu umbla prin iarbă desculţă ;
grădina mi-e plină de aşchii stelare.


When the night comes,
I prick my ears, on the stairs,
the stars are crowding in the garden,
and I stay here, in the dark.
Listen, a star has fallen, sounding, from the sky.
Don't walk in the grass bare-footed ;
my garden is full of star slivers.

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